3 Types of Packaging, the Influence of Colors, and the Use of Colors in Decoration

Eco-friendly packaging used for product wrapping can be categorized into several types, such as cardboard boxes, corrugated boxes, or food and beverage packaging. These types are widely popular among both consumers and business operators as they align with modern lifestyles. In terms of packaging design from a business perspective, it can be classified into three main types. This article provides the answers.

3 Types of Packaging

  1. Individual Package: This refers to the primary packaging that directly encloses the product. Its main purpose is to enhance commercial value and provide direct protection to the product.
  2. Inner Package: This type of packaging serves as an additional layer to protect the product from external impact. It is designed to safeguard products from moisture, heat, and shock while also facilitating retail sales. Examples include corrugated cardboard boxes or rigid boxes containing 6 or 12 units of a product.
  3. Outer Package: This refers to bulk packaging that protects or contains products for transportation. Consumers rarely interact with this type of packaging directly. Examples include wooden crates, large corrugated boxes, or rigid cartons that hold multiple items, with exterior labeling limited to essential shipping information.

The Influence of Color in Packaging Design

According to color psychology, different colors influence emotions and perceptions in various ways. Here are some aspects of how colors affect packaging design:

Influence on Size Perception

  • Light colors (Light Value) make products appear larger.
  • Dark colors (Dark Value) make products appear smaller.

Influence on Weight Perception

  • Light or warm colors (Warm Value) make products feel lighter.
  • Dark or cool colors (Cool Value) make products feel heavier.

Influence on Strength Perception

  • Warm colors create a sense of durability and strength.
  • Cool colors give a more delicate and fragile impression.

Using Colors in Packaging Decoration

When selecting colors for decorating packaging, such as cardboard boxes, corrugated boxes, or food and beverage packaging, business owners should consider the following factors:

  1. The combination of colors used should be harmonious and complement each other.
  2. The chosen colors should be highly attractive to consumers.
  3. The color selection should align with consumer preferences and be appropriate for the product type.
  4. The consistent use of specific colors can enhance brand recognition and impact sales and advertising.
  5. The colors should ensure that the packaging is appealing and acceptable to both consumers and retailers.

Packaging design, whether involving cardboard boxes, corrugated boxes, or food and beverage packaging, significantly impacts business performance. Entrepreneurs and managers who understand the types of packaging, the influence of colors, and effective color selection strategies are already on the path to success.
